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Welcome to Gnosis Plus

Gnosis Plus is professionally managed premier organization providing Learning and Development Services to the Young India��?|the Youngistaan! India is a country which has the largest population of young people in the world. According to recent census there are 64 crores of youth between the age 13-35, which, according to the National Youth Policy, accounts for 40% of total population of India. And it is this resource of our country which has given India the face of India Inc.
Ironically, this valuable resource of our nation is not nurtured conscientiously due to pit holes in the education system that emphasizes more on bookish knowledge and is far away from the practical implications of the knowledge gained. This is the biggest impediment in their way of becoming employable. No wonder the major chunk of the youths survive in despair and lands up in frustration despite of having the Talent because they are not the preferred choice of the industries.

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 Ajit Diwate
Thanx for coming in JDIET n motivated us....u have given us such a wonderful knowledge..Thanx to all Gnosis plus team from 2nd year Cse Department..!!
 Amar G. Waghade
Gnosis Plus Team have improved confidence in us and inspired us a lot.....we are missing you..
 Suraj Dodiya
I am learning lots of facts frm gnosis plus n enjoyng also with rahul sir. He is the best one. Learning wid enjoying is the best part. Enjoying most n hope so u come again gnosis plus.
The all GNOSIS PLUS Team work great ,fab ,...share their knowlenged with students ......all sir n mamsss were gud ......we all third year EXTC JDIET students will miss u ....specially Rahul sir .......... Tnk u....:-)
Thanks for inspiring us.
 arti goyal
Gnosis team is awsum...teachrs r more frnk thn frnds thy treat us like our child... gnosis showrd more luv on us..i wud say i hv learn more n more frm gonsis plus, which i nvr expect not evn in drms...these 6 days r bst days out of all, i nvr forgt in throught thng i missing hope u all missd i.e. few words of RAHUL SIR like- BETAJI
 Kiran Sharma
GNOSIS is not jus a name it is more thn tht..u all are simply great..i can write lot many those words cant describe the thngs tht u hv done n given us..So cheers for GIRISH SIR,RAHUL SIR,MILIND SIR n KIRAN SIR...a big thnks to all of u...bcz u hv givn a new way to thnk abt life...:)..thnku for being such a important part of my life..luv u.."U R THE BEST"...:))
 neha bais (mpct gwalior)
GNOSIS not juz a name for me its a magical term which has given my life a true name a few..the teachings,support,motivation n above all unconditional love given by the team to all of us was tremendous...i would say GNOSIS PLUS not juz helped me in transforming my personality it indeed helped me in makin myself a better human being..thankyou so so much Girish Sir,Rahul Sir n the whole team of gnosis plus..if u guyz would nt have been dere i would have been incomplete as a person...u guyz rock :)) lov u all...stay blessed..:))keep doin the gud work ..!!CHEERZZ !!
 Akshay anant Shrivastava
One thing that a person need in his/her life is the moral support and the guidance of the path that move out through out life...that one thing i got from the team gnosis...i.e. the feel of Professional from a personal approach that realize us "How to prepare a Social Product?"
 Pranav Daipuria
I pay my gratitude to the "Team Gnosis", it was a fantastic experience to be a part of PDP conducted by them, they really imparted a lot to me and i really see them as great teachers & mentors My Best Wishes, Pranav Daipuria,MPCT,Gwalior
 Megha Sharma
Let me do the honours...Truely speaking,this space is too & too short when it comes to GNOSIS PLUS..still to start with..the learnings..the teachings & the experience ..captured during the training session is something INVALUABLE..& BEYOND WORDS..something we gonna hold & cherish LIFELONG..A training program so lively..& simply the BEST.A hearty thanks to all the learned teachers present in the team..I would thank you all from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom... cheers to the whole team.........& we were highly gratified to have Gnosis plus in our college.. G-Great N-Noble O-Outstanding S-Splendid I-Invaluable S-Supreme
 Manju Gurjar
The Gnosis team has given me something that has not only helped me with my placement in TCS but something that will help me throughout my life. Gnosis has developed the confidence in me that nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself. A big thanks to all the wonderful teachers of Gnosis team.
 Amruta Chopade (Faculty, VNIT Nagpur)
Dear Girish Sir, I remeber the training sessions at JDIET.All those were full of joy and learning. Many Best wishes to GNOSIS Plus.
 Raunak Kasliwal
I have heard about its succes stories from my friends of JDIET Yavatmal. I request GNOSIS to visit at Raisoni College of Engg. Amravati. -Raunak Kasliwal SCB GH Raisoni College of Engineering Amravati (MS)
 Matin Patel
Website is eye catchy,informative,beautifully structured and easy....Wish you all the best team Gnosis and Special thanks to Mr Girish Pal for bringing change in lives of people.... Director J.H.patel Institute of Hotel & Tourism management,Jalgaon.
 Mayank Kumar Bharti
GnosisPlus provides one to one attention to all students which helps greatly for improving their soft skills and boost up the confidence.
 Nitin Jain - Student (MBA - IMR Jalgaon)
The website is simply awesome and impressive. Three cheers to Gnosis Plus!
 Sudhanshu Mishra - Engineering Student
I want to thank Team Gnosis Plus for awakening me from within.They have given me all-together a new perception to visualize me as an individual. After attending their training program one thing that I am sure of is that I have enhanced my Employability Quotient. Thank you Gnosis Plus..Keep up the noble job of enriching and enlightening the youths.
 Tabrez khan
I found Gnosis Plus is one of best and reliable training and development center in India. Thank Gnosis Plus wish you a very best of luck for future.

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