Gnosis Plus is professionally managed premier organization providing Learning and Development Services to the Young India��?|the Youngistaan! India is a country which has the largest population of young people in the world. According to recent census there are 64 crores of youth between the age 13-35, which, according to the National Youth Policy, accounts for 40% of total population of India. And it is this resource of our country which has given India the face of India Inc.
Ironically, this valuable resource of our nation is not nurtured conscientiously due to pit holes in the education system that emphasizes more on bookish knowledge and is far away from the practical implications of the knowledge gained. This is the biggest impediment in their way of becoming employable. No wonder the major chunk of the youths survive in despair and lands up in frustration despite of having the Talent because they are not the preferred choice of the industries.